Reviews & Zekerheden

308 Reviews
Become a Fan, vote and receive a nice delivery every month!Unique & exclusive
Become a Fan, vote and receive a nice delivery every month!Unique & exclusive

About us About us

We at are big fans of LEGO®!


In our webshop you will find fun and unique printed parts to give your LEGO® city or edifice(s) a personal character.

Every month we develop new additions within our fixed range.

You can also choose your LEGO® part, upload, edit and finish a photo with text.

On you will find both nice additions for your LEGO® city or edifice such as the street and place signs as well as unique pieces that you can collect separately such as our artwork series or the Ame72 licensed graffiti street art series.

For inspiration, you can follow our social media accounts and see what we, or our fans, create and think of.


Quality is our Mission and educational toys our Vision.


Creative greetings from Kees and George.


Kees en George printer 1

We at are big fans of LEGO®!


In our webshop you will find fun and unique printed parts to give your LEGO® city or edifice(s) a personal character.

Every month we develop new additions within our fixed range.

You can also choose your LEGO® part, upload, edit and finish a photo with text.

On you will find both nice additions for your LEGO® city or edifice such as the street and place signs as well as unique pieces that you can collect separately such as our artwork series or the Ame72 licensed graffiti street art series.

For inspiration, you can follow our social media accounts and see what we, or our fans, create and think of.


Quality is our Mission and educational toys our Vision.


Creative greetings from Kees and George.


Kees en George printer 1

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